Cloghane (village)

Distance from Dingle Way: 0.0 km

Grocery Shop Restaurant | Café Pub Public Phone Postal Service

Overlooking the Owenmore Estuary, Cloghane is another picturesque rural village with many stone houses. The area has recently won the prestigious 'Beatha Environmental Award' as an acknowledgement to the sustainable way in conducts its lifestyle.

There are several traditional pubs in the area which serve fine food with also the specialty of locally caught seafood. There are often music sessions to be found in most of the local pubs at night.

When booking accommodation, it is important to take into consideration that the Festival of Lughnasa takes place in the village during the last weekend in July. There is also the popular Brandon Regatta that is held on the last Sunday in August. If you are passing through the area during either of these two periods make sure to have secured your accommodation well in advance!

Accommodation Options:

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